Impressive set of photos showing strength when "Mother Nature" gets angry

Impressive set of photos showing strength when "Mother Nature" gets angry

Impressive photos selected from the 2017 Weather Photographer of the Year competition show viewers the power and dangerous charm of "Mother Nature" in anger.

Impressive set of photos showing strength when

The Seaham lighthouse off the coast of England was "swallowed" by a fierce wave.

Impressive set of photos showing strength when

The Weather Photographer Competition is a prestigious photo contest organized annually by the Royal Meteorological Society and the Royal Photographic Society with the participation of photographers from more than 60 countries around the world. . In the photo is a powerful tornado of Category 4 raging in rural Katie, Oklahoma, USA.

Impressive set of photos showing strength when

Giant cliffs of Beachy Head (East Sussex, England) in the morning mist. This is the second year the Weather Photographer contest has been held, more than 2,000 works have been submitted to the contest and 48 selected images will be exhibited throughout the UK.

Impressive set of photos showing strength when

Dark clouds gather in the lowest area on Earth, preparing for the first rains in the Dead Sea, South Israel. Entries entered the competition with the theme of the impact of extreme weather phenomena such as clouds, lightning, rain, fog or snow on people, cities and natural landscapes.

Impressive set of photos showing strength when

The sky appears to have swooped down over the mountains in Khibiny, in Russia's Kola peninsula.

Impressive set of photos showing strength when

Beautiful lightning in the early morning sky by photographer Mike Olbinski.

Impressive set of photos showing strength when

Magical scene when the fog spills over the Santa Monica range (California, USA) in the sunset.

Impressive set of photos showing strength when

A flock of sheep walks in a snowstorm at dawn in Swaledale, North Yorkshire.

Impressive set of photos showing strength when

A rainbow appears after a rain in a flower field in Salisbury, Wiltshire, England.

Impressive set of photos showing strength when

The rocky mountains of Zhangjiajie National Park (China) become even more magical in the smog.

Impressive set of photos showing strength when

A rare sight when the Jonas snowstorm hit New York City last year.

Impressive set of photos showing strength when

Photographer John Finney captured the moment a "giant" storm was gradually forming in the US.

Impressive set of photos showing strength when

A "scary" scene in Malaysia's Port Dickson during a violent thunderstorm.

Impressive set of photos showing strength when

A "scary" scene in Malaysia's Port Dickson during a violent thunderstorm.

Impressive set of photos showing strength when

A rare phenomenon of a white rainbow (dew rainbow) occurs in Rannoch Moor, Scotland.